Colm Flynn

This tag is associated with 5 posts

Election Debates’ verdict: Sturgeon wins ITV Leaders’ Debate

Nicola Sturgeon won Thursday’s seven-way Leaders’ Debate. The Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) leader won the debate comfortably in the eyes of the Election Debates’ judging panel by engaging and challenging her opponents and by broadening her appeal beyond Scotland. Election Debates’ judge Colm Flynn said that Ms Sturgeon was “the strongest in the open discussions as she did not rely on scripted answers … Continue reading

Reflecting on the First Presidential Debate; Planning for the Second

Opinion by Colm Flynn Expectations going into the First Presidential Debate were very different for the two candidates. On one hand we had President Obama with a reputation of being an articulate, passionate, youthful speaker.  On the other Governor Romney who everyone expected to just be happy to avoid any serious mistakes. That’s not the way … Continue reading

Irish leaders’ debate looms while Fianna Fail ponders new leadership

Opinion by Colm Flynn It looks like the election in Ireland will be called this week. At the moment the smart money is on Feb 25th as the election date but until it’s called we won’t know for sure. There is no news on the format of any leaders debate.  There isn’t even a complete line up … Continue reading

2010 Year in Review

2010 was a busy year: four debates (three UK debates and one Australian) with Election Debates’ quoted, cited and published in Australia, the UK and US. A partnership in Nigeria to run an Election Debates’ Workshop. Plus some great new judges added to our panel and more than 15,000 visitors. United Kingdom Debates There was … Continue reading

Judge Profile – Colm Flynn

Location: Ireland. Colm is a former Chair of the World Universities Debating Council and is an Emeritus Member of Council.  He has also served on the European Debating Council and Committee. He was Deputy Chief Adjudicator at the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC) and judged at a total of seven world championships. He has judged the Grand … Continue reading